Wahe's World

Trying to Keep Up Since 2008

Archive for the tag “Referal”

Ring …. Ring …. Ring …. (It’s Good News!!!)

Korean SymbolToday, June 26, 2008 at 10:53 a.m. CST, Soo Min entered our lives (at least on paper). Our adoption agent called us about Soo Min. He is five and a half months old, currently weighs 16 pounds and is 25 inches long. He was born on January 9. He appears healthy and happy. The information we received is very positive.

This afternoon we met with the doctor to go over the medical information. He did not have any concerns regarding the report. Tomorrow we meet with our agent when we will get an actual photo of the little guy (we have a faxed photo, but it is not very legible). The picture shows a pudgy looking little guy with a full head of dark hair.

The report identifies Soo Min as “manly with a round face”. He is currently in a foster home and is reported as eating and sleeping well. He has been going to bed at 10 p.m. and awakes at 6 to 7 a.m. He is sleeping through the night. And if you are even more curious about him: “he is having a stool a day in good condition.” Still want to hear more?   Soo Minn means prominent and clever. He is rolling over on his stomach and raising up. Oh, and he is already saying “eomme.” the Korean word for mother. Pretty good for a five month old (guess I am already a proud father).

I am very excited about becoming a father. I am keeping myself contained knowing that we still need to complete some paperwork. We also have to wait for Korea to process the paperwork on their side of the Pacific. It may be five or more months before we can travel to meet Soo Min on his turf. Michelle is feeling a combination of being overwhelmed, excited, anxious and joyful. She has been waiting to become a mother for a long time. As her husband, I love the fact that she has been strong and patient through the process (to be direct, I appreciate that she has not been neurotic). For both of us, this has been a very surreal day. We are becoming parents without going to the hospital, without the labor pains, without the swearing through clenched teeth while trying to breathe in some rhythmic pattern. However, we have questioned our abilities to be parents; we have fretted over if we are fit enough; and we have felt our own angst while waiting for that phone to ring. Now it is are time to rise above our questions and be the foundation for little Soo Min.

We will post the picture as soon as we get it tomorrow. Please feel free to post a comment or send email us at stefan@wahe.us.

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