Wahe's World

Trying to Keep Up Since 2008

Archive for the category “About”

What’s New About Michael?

Michael is approaching his fourth birthday in the new few months.  He is just ending the difficult period of most three year olds where they are experimenting with their desire to do things for himself while not stepping too far away from Mom and Dad. Michael and Alex have become the best of brothers. Michael often states that he misses his brother while Alex is at school.  However, he still is cherishing his one-on-one time he has with Mom.  Over the past money months Michael has become quite the little singer.  He favorite is singing like Johnny Cash. His friend Even introduced him to the tune Ring of Fire this past September. The song has been Michael’s number one request while riding in the car. He now can sing the whole song on his own including the trumpet solo.  He loves celebrating people’s birthdays.  It probably has a lot to do with the awesome train birthday cake that Michelle made him for his third birthday.  Ever since then he has been requesting the same cake for everyone’s birthday. Michael’s favorite sport is soccer but this summer he said he wanted to give t-ball another try.  Michael’s enjoys kids TV shows from Great Britten. Shows like Fireman Sam and Kipper has created a unique dialect for Michael.  Instead of of asking for “a turn”  with a toy, he asks for “a go”.  And that is just one example. He even has the British cadence down. That should throw his teacher for a loop next year. Michael is also a big eater. We are glad to see that he is always interested in trying what we eat.  This has helped Stefan eat his vegetable so that Michael will eat the same.  Michael also loves playing outside.  This extended winter is driving him nuts.  He so much wanted to be playing in his sandbox, playing in the sprinkler or swinging on a swing set.  The same sentiment is shared by Alex, Michelle and Stefan.

Michael loves pretending to be a firefighter.  It made his day to have a picture taken with a real fireman.

Michael loves pretending to be a firefighter. It made his day to have a picture taken with a real fireman.

Michael made a new friend at Alexs fifth birthday party. He was very brave in holding a lot of the animals. Even snakes.

Michael made a new friend at Alexs fifth birthday party. He was very brave in holding a lot of the animals. Even snakes.

Michael working on his dribbling technique.  He loved kicking and chasing after the ball.

Michael working on his dribbling technique. He loved kicking and chasing after the ball.

This Fall Michael and Alex got to watch has Dad was issued a speeding ticket.  Dad used this as a teachable moment about what happens when you do something wrong.  The consequence has been an even constant reminder from them about not speeding. The benefit was two very cute police officers for halloween.

This Fall Michael and Alex got to watch has Dad was issued a speeding ticket. Dad used this as a teachable moment about what happens when you do something wrong. The consequence has been an even constant reminder from them about not speeding. The benefit was two very cute police officers for halloween.

Michael and Dad on the town grabbing a bite to eat.  Not too many vegetable here.

Michael and Dad on the town grabbing a bite to eat. Not too many vegetable here.

Michael eyeing up each train car he wants to start with.

Michael eyeing up each train car he wants to start with.

Michael and Alex getting reading to run through the long grass to jump into the swimming pool. 1 - 2 - 3 ... GO!

Michael and Alex getting reading to run through the long grass to jump into the swimming pool. 1 – 2 – 3 … GO!


Alex’s Fifth Birthday and More

Before the big news is posted here we should update you and the life and time of Mr. Alex.  Actually the last post about Alex was on his fourth birthday.  Well since then he started mastered peewee sports like soccer, t-ball and golf; started 4K making new friends and learning a lot of new things; has turned five; and has mastered the art of being a big brother for Michael (more about Michael in a near-future post).


Good form for a then four year old. Alex and Dad later visited a real golf course to knock a real golfball around with a real golf club while driving a real golf cart.  The highlight of Summer 2012 ...  well one of them.

Good form for a then four year old. Alex and Dad later visited a real golf course to knock a real golfball around with a real golf club while driving a real golf cart. The highlight of Summer 2012 … well one of them.

Practicing on getting on the bus for 4K. Away we go!

Practicing on getting on the bus for 4K. Away we go!

Alex is becoming the lego pro

Alex is becoming the lego pro

Alex celebrating his fifth is a new but shy little friend (new watch provided by Uncle Randy).
Alex celebrating his fifth is a new but shy little friend (new watch provided by Uncle Randy).

Alex and Michael becoming roommates with their bunk-bed.

Alex and Michael becoming roommates with their bunk-bed.


It’s Been A Long Time ….

Well I can not believe it has been well over a year since Michelle and I have updated this blog. Shame on us. Especially for our friends in Korea. Social media may have ruined us in a way. Our friends in those social circles know our little secret and what has been keeping us preoccupied (and it is a good thing). Over the next several days we will be updating our blog. If you are new, feel free and read about our the adoption journey we started way back when for Alex and Michael. As you wait for the next post and our family picture from December.  Big new on the Wahe (the joke is that the name Wahe is pronounce Way)  …


Happy Birthday Alex!!!

(Please Note this post is actually from January 2012 and not January 2013)

Alex is now four. His real party will be this upcoming weekend. But while Michelle was at work and I wanted to spoil Alex on his special day. We visited the gym where Alex and Michael raced, We had a birthday lunch at Red Robin. Alex was more enamored with the awesome sundae that he din’t notice the staff singing happy birthday. Oh and he and Michael got ballons. They plated with them all afternoon and evening. So much so that Alex never once asked when he was going to open presents. I give the kid credit for having patience.

New Videos

It has been a long, long time since our last posting.  As a new years resolution Michelle and I proclaim that we will begin posting more about the boys and our experience.  We appreciate all the support and good wishes we have from our family, friends, co-workers and the continued wishes from Alex’s and Michael’s foster mothers.  One of the following videos show Michael paging through two books his foster mother sent.  They are trainers for learning English and Korean. The second video is Alex being goofy (don’t let him fool you, he is turning four not five). The third video shows what great brothers Alex and Michael are. Michelle and I are truly blessed to have two great little guys with a lot of energy, laughs and love.

New Years Eve Fun A from swahe on Vimeo.

Goofy Brothers from swahe on Vimeo.

Michael Reading Foster Mother Gift from swahe on Vimeo.

A Weekend at the Cottage

One of the highlights of our summer has been a weekend spent together at our friends, the Hoopers.

If you remember, the Hoopers are very special friends to us.   We traveled together in Seoul while we were there for our travel calls to bring home Michael and Evan.   You can read more here.

We had a fabulous time.   Oh, and the boys did too!    The boys had a great time, well, being boys.   Much swimming, digging, campfire-ing, fishing, running, eating, hollering,  and giggling was had by all.   We are going to make this an annual event, and we’re already looking forward to next year.   It was fun seeing all the boys really having a genuinely fun time together.

Boys, doing what they do best: Being goofy.

Look at that cool Jet Ski! Michael had a lot of fun tooling around.

3 Toddlers fishing. We definately had to have man-on-man defense during this activity. Here's Alex is reeling in a fish.

All da boyz out on the canoe.

One Pound of Bacon. 4 ounces of fish. Nick was a good sport, and fileted Alex's bluegill. Thanks Nick!

A trip to the ice cream shop. Yum!


Eating ice cream is serious business.

Alex and Evan were two peas in a pod the entire weekend.

Running off some energy after the ice cream.

Kristen and Evan

The lighting is not right on this photo, but I love the composition. Alex loves it when Daddy throws him in the air.

Chillin' on the boat.

Michael LOVED swimming. For about an hour, he swam back and forth between Stefan and me. It was fun to watch. He had a big smile on his face the entire time.

Say Cheese!


When we met Michael’s Foster Mother, she gave us 2 beautiful hanboks, one for each of our sons.   We’ve been intending for awhile to take a photo of the boys in their hanboks, and send it to her.    Well, one day in May was The Day.    Both Stefan and I felt up for the task.   Now remember, we have not been successful at even getting the Perfect Family Photo, so this was going to be a project.    Needless to say, the outcome was:   Partners in Crime:  1   Parents:  0.

First, get the boys dressed.

Secondly, answer Alex’s 528 questions, all asking similar versions of  “Why?” do we have to wear our hanboks now?

Thirdly, trick them into sitting still.

Lastly, make them smile in unison.

Not an easy task.     Here are the results of our endeavor.   Foster Mother-worthy?    Probably not.    Regardless, one will still be included in their next photo albums being sent to Korea.

See my hands? I'm pushing them down, trying to make them sit still. You can see how well that method of parenting is working.

Another futile attempt.

What they are saying to me is, "Ha Ha Ha Mommy! You can't get us to sit down!"

Looking cute in his hat, just before it came off.

"This is it. We're running away. I bet you can't catch us!"

Life has a Wahe of Moving at a Faster Pace than Ever.

Michelle Here.

Where has all the time gone?    I find myself thinking about this blog.    But by the end of the day, I find myself only wanting to relax, exhausted, and wanting to wind down, and, well, admittedly, I’m often in bed by 9:30.    That doesn’t leave much time to write some blog entries.

Enough of the excuses.     We’ve had a busy, fun, sometimes challenging winter and spring.    We are looking forward to summer, and are looking forward to keeping the boys busy.    Because busy boys=happy boys=happy mama.

We are going out and doing a lot of activities.    Michael is now 22 months old, and has really turned into a happy, social little guy.   He’s always quick with a laugh, a wave, or a smile.   His language has gone crazy, and he’s saying 150-200 words on his own.    It’s amazing to witness.    One if his favorite words is “go”.  As in “go” outside, “go” to the library, “go” to a restaurant.    He’ll find his shoes, bring them to us, and say, “go.   go.   go.   shoe.”   He’s actually becoming very aware of his bodily functions.    Which makes this mama very happy.    Because you know, at this age, it’s all about potty, poop, eating, and sleeping.    He’s been telling us when he has to go “poop”.    We’ve been sitting him on his toilet, and we’ve been successful two times.     At the very least, he tells us right after he fills his diaper, so I do call that progress.    We haven’t been pushing him, but only following his lead, as he tells us.    I think, he’s motivated by two things in the potty training department:    1.   He wants to be just like big brother.   2.  He’s very motivated by food, and he gets 2 m&m’s if he does something in the potty.

Alex’s language is still going crazy as well, and his curiosity of the world around him has gotten more pronounced than ever.    He’s constantly firing off questions that Stefan and I are answering.   He doesn’t miss much either.    When something happens that he doesn’t understand, it usually leads to, on average, 5 questions.     We do appreciate this.   Really.   No, really, we do.      He’s a smart little guy because of his insatiable curiosity.

We have decided to not put Alex in preschool yet.    He still attends a learning center 1 day a week, and that has helped reinforce his social skills.    We have decided to really focus on Alex and Michael’s relationship as brothers.    We have kept them together as much as possible, and not put Alex in preschool for that reason.    We want to focus on building that foundation of their being brothers, because we think that will help them as they grow older.    So far, they are doing wonderfully together.   It took about 6 months to really settle in, and for Alex to really calm down about the notion of having a brother.    Now, they are in their own groove, and they are fun, amazing, and entertaining to watch.   In the long run, we want them to be eachothers’ best friends (which also means, sometimes eachothers’ worst enemies)    In addition, we have been working with Alex on preschool-y activities to make sure he “keeps up” with is 3 year old counterparts :)    We also go to children’s activities around town at least 4-5 times a week.

Enough of the words.    I know you come here to view pictures of cute kids.    Well, here you go.

Havin a good 'ol time, just being themselves.

Experiencing a hoola hoop for the first time.

I LOVED this bike! It's a toddler tandem! We have an open gym at a local Community Center. The boys love running around and playing there.

Our friends, the Hoopers were able to spend some time with us here in Madison.   We were so happy to see them again, and it was great catching up with them.   If you’ll remember, they were the family who we traveled with in Seoul.   We took custody of Michael at the same time they took custody of their son Evan.   We have a special place in our hearts for this family, and we share so many common experiences.   As a bonus, all 3 boys napped concurrently, and they gave us 2 hours (yes, 2 hours!) of peace, quiet, and time to catch up.

Our Seoul Brothers enjoying having some dinner.

Love this photo! Also love the arm-bar Michael is giving Alex.

The only way we could get a photo of all 3 boys standing still was to show them some pics on the camera. This is the best shot I could get of them!

All 3 boys Rockin-out to the Wiggles.

Evan, the Korean Karaoke DJ.We attended a Korean Culture Event here in Madison, which was amazing.   It was led by a Korean Adoptee, who is now a UW college student.   She put the entire event together, along with our local Families Thru Korean Adoption group.   There were 40 volunteer Asian students at the event as well, helping, wrangling children, leading break-out groups, and overall having fun.    This was the first time an event like this was held, and it was a great success.   The kids and parents had fun, and the volunteers had fun.   Here are some of the photos.

Michael, in between 2 cute girls, making a Korean drum.

One of our new friends who helped the boys all morning.

Making Mandu was a lot of fun!

Playing a Korean Drum. I love how Alex has his hand on Michael's back.

Gotta love a good drummin time.

Some of the MANY volunteers who helped with the Event.

Alex’s Birthday

Michelle Here.

Well, I thought I’d be all organized and work ahead of myself in this bloggy blog blog.   Well, I drafted this entry, and never published it.   So much for organization.    So I hate to waste a good entry, albeit late.    So….here are photos of Alex’s 3rd birthday.    How late am I in this post?    Umm…..well…..his birthday was in January.

Regardless, enjoy.   Here it is:

I can’t believe our little man is 3 years old already.    In some ways we have to remind ourselves because he’s “only” 3, and at other times, it seems like just last week that we brought him home.

Here are some of photos from his birthday shin-dig.    He is absolutely infatuated with The Wiggles.    Therefore, what better theme to have for a 3 year old’s party?    You guessed it.

Our 3 year old, and his ice cream cake.  That's a "feathersword" in his hands, just in case you non-Wiggles fans want to know.

Cousin Nic getting in on the action.

I'm Three!   Dressed in the shirt of his favorite Wiggle, "The Red Guy".

Playing his guitar, just like his favorite "Red Guy" on The Wiggles.

Michael, a.k.a. "The Blue Guy", enjoying his ice cream cake.


Michelle Here.

Brothers.    I think the word, and tears well up in my eyes.   Stefan and I wanted this so badly.   We wanted two sons.   Now we have it.    Our sons are Brothers.   B.r.o.t.h.e.r.s. in every sense of the word.

They act like brothers.    We can not ask for any more.    We simply adore it.    We are in awe of them.   We are in awe of our family.     This road to brotherhood has not been an easy one.    Not for any of us.    Many of you may remember, when Michael came home, Alex had a lot of discovery to do about himself.    He was now a brother.    He was now a big brother.    He had to figure that all out.    He had tough days.   He had tough moments.     A few weeks after Michael came home, Alex wimpered to Daddy, with tears in his eyes, and his head down,  “Michael….go back.   To Korea.”    It broke our hearts.    We knew some day he would enjoy his brother.    We knew one day he would come to love his brother.    That day has come.    We relish the feeling every day.     I often find myself wishing I were a fly on the wall, instead of their Mommy, stopping to witness a brotherly interaction they are having.    With each other.    Without anyone else’s intervention.    I wish I could watch it for a longer period of time, but when they see me gazing at them, they get distracted with that funny look that mommy has on her face.    The interactions are  priceless.

Alex is now bringing Michael into his playing.    He often will rope Michael into going along with some big plan he has in playing.    This plan usually involves a ball, a truck, or water.    He will bark out instructions to Michael…..how he is supposed to stand, what he is supposed to do, where he is supposed to throw the ball.    Michael listens intently, and tries to understand, and follow big brother’s instructions, just as Alex wants.     Michael constantly follows Alex.   Everywhere.   They are always within arms length of eachother.    Michael watches everything his big brother is doing.    He wants to be just like Alex.

I did say they were brothers in every sense of the word…….so of course, there are still the shreeks from Alex,  “Michael is playing with MY ball”.    “Michael is playing with MY truck. ”   “Michael is knocking down MY tower. ”   Or, as the boys are playing together cohesively,  Michael will start  a cry from his gut….loud and long.    This battle cry means that Alex did something Michael had no intention of happening, which usually means a toy was grabbed out of Michael’s hand.   Then, any combination of screams, tears, and hand waving will ensue.   I have to hold myself back most times, because I don’t want to be the referee.    Well, most times, they can work it out themselves.    Another lesson learned, on how to be a brother.    A lesson learned for all of us.

Playing together in the bathtub.

Alex is pretending the golf club is a guitar. Michael is singing along.

Playing with MagnaTiles, one of their favorite toys.

I found these kiddy-recliners on sale. Decided to purchase to encourage more "sitting' activities. I love this photo--Michael in his white t-shirt with belly sticking out, and Alex in his PJ's. They just need a remote control in their hand, and they would be all set.

Alex wrestling with his brother. Michael is *almost* as big as Alex, so the tables will be turned on these wrestling matches in the near future. (insert Mommy's evil laugh here.)Brotherly "love".

A very typical shot of our family.

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